Go From Best Kept Secret To Industry Leader

Ready To Write & Leverage A Book?

A book is the fastest way to build authority in your industry. Leveraging it into courses, services, workshops, speaking and bulk sales is the fastest way to monetize it. 


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We help experts, entrepreneurs, and executives write, publish, and market books that create an impact on their audience.

BLUEPRINT: Become A Bestselling Author & Million$ Expert

  • Anatomy of a great book
  • Leverage your book into high-ticket offers
  • How to build an expert business
  • Build raving fans & leads
  • Create a low-overhead & highly profitable business
  • And so much more

Sign up for my free newsletter and get access to this 48-page blueprint instantly...

Writing A Book That Enhances Your Business Requires A Different Strategy Than Ordinary Book Services

We are focused on helping you write a book that is as good as a traditionally published book, boosts your business, and elevates your authority.


We are traditionally published coaches who help you write a book that belongs on the shelves at Barnes & Noble.


We are not focused on 1:1 sales and social media for books sales. We leverage your book through bulk sales, courses & other large-scale monetization strategies.


We are business strategists, so we set goals for your book and how to leverage it on Day 1 of working together. We provide this service to people who have books written too.

We Offer Three Ways You Can Work With Us

*1:1 Coaching is available on a limited basis


We provide coaching to help you design a business you love. Whether you need a visionary strategy or help with writing a book, digital courses, certifications, etc.

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Write Impact™ Academy

Our college-accredited program utilizes our proprietary Write Impact™ methodology for writing, publishing, and launching books. 

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CoAuthor Books

Join 15 other successful experts as a coauthor in one of our bestselling books—all the power of being an author with a fraction of the work.

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Like me, you probably thought the hard part was taking the leap to write your book

. . . only to find conflicting advice on how to write, launch and market your book. Between writing a book while working simultaneously, it's no wonder many people end up with low-quality books and disappointing sales.

Only 1% of people write a book because:

❌ They don't know how to get started

❌ Fear of embarrassing themselves

❌ Don't understand how it will help their business

❌ They don't think they have the time

❌ No one has shown them how to strategically leverage it to grow their business

I get it. I've been there. 

I launched my first book with no audience, strategy or marketing plan.

But after a few false starts I learned how to successfully incorporate books into my growth strategy.

In just 7 years, I was able to . . .

  • Land a 3-book publishing deal with Simon & Schuster (with no audience)
  • Publish 16 bestselling books
  • Create (2) college-accredited course (available in 27 colleges)
  • Speak on stages, panels & private mastermind events
  • Attend graduate school at Harvard University 
  • Found WoosterMedia LLC & launch publishing, certification, speaking & course platforms for CEOs, athletes & leaders
  • Found Designing Genius, a software solution for workplace engagement & performance


Massive momentum happens when you . . .

Become the visionary for your business, create proprietary frameworks and claim your authority.

Create your signature story and book so you connect and build trust with your ideal audience and reader.

Leverage your book into leads, opportunities, collaborations and new clients as a foundation for growth.  

As the owner of three companies, I understand that time and energy is your greatest resource.


This is why we have created a system that makes writing your book as quick and painless as possible - no writer's block or unnecessary work.

The Write Plan

What if you knew exactly what to say every time you sat down to write? What if you knew how to take your earned experiences and create a transformation for your readers? What if you weren’t only writing a book but creating an entire business around your expertise?

The Write Plan is the solution for people who want to write and publish a high-impact book with all the steps to get there. It’s time to stop thinking about writing a book and get it written.

Purchase Your Copy on AMAZON